Here is Meinl's wooden djembe. You'll see their fiberglass version later. It has
a goatskin head like most standard djembes...But it is wrench-tuned like a conga. They call this finish "tobacco sunburst".

This is a South American drum called a Dakubella (sp?).
It is from the same family tree as the African Log Drum. It is also called a slit drum, box drum or tongue drum. Different
areas of the playing surface produce different pitches. Its sound is mellow and haunting. It is the first unusual drum I ever

This is a Middle-Eastern Doumbek. It is a heavy ceramic
drum with a goatskin head. It got its name from the nice bass sound it makes when struck in the center (Doum!) and the high-pitched
sound it makes from its edge (Bek!). This is the ugliest drum I own. It looks like someone slapped on some yucky brown paint
with a big, thick brush. It's also one of my favorite lead drums to play as it is very expressive and has a great tone.
I found it in a Lebanese grocery store!

This is an Irish Bodhran. It is played by flipping the double-sided beater against
the drumhead. It is capable of a lot more than 'Riverdance' music. It is 18" in circumference, has a tunable goatskin head
and sounds incredible when played Native-American style with leather or fur-covered mallets.

This is the back of the bodhran. You're probably asking
yourself, "Why is he showing me the back of a drum?" ...and I wish I had a clever answer aside from the fact that I think
it's cool! And now you know how it's held. Now stop giving me a hard time...
